How to Remove
Fear of Change
By Preeti Narayan
Success MindwareTM
CHANGE is a key step in any Self-development
program or Self Help Strategies.
Unless you change and improve your
thinking or your actions, you will always get what you are getting
now. Yet how many people try to change themselves?
Very few.
Fear. It is the fear of change, which mostly holds back people from
changing themselves into more dynamic individuals. What kind of fear
is this?
Firstly, it is the fear of unknown.
Unconsciously, people are afraid of changing into something they have
never been before. Also, there is fear of some unknown problem and
situation, which may arise while they are trying to change.
Secondly, it is the fear of inconvenience.
You tell a student that he can score top grade in his next exam and
every other exam in his life, and he will feel good. Initially.
But then his brain will
automatically start calculating the amount of work which he will have
to do to get that top grade. It will analyze the amount
of efforts which he will have to put in--to shed old habits and
attitude, and learn new study habits and skills.
Soon the task of scoring top grades in every exam seems like too much
effort, too inconvenient and intimidating (which need not be so.) Hence after initial
enthusiasm, he forgets all about it.
Thirdly, there is the fear of failure.
What if you tried very hard to change and improve, and yet failed? It
would be embarrassing, humiliating, something like personal defeat.
This fear of failure is a very common reason why people don’t even try
to change.
And generally these are the same people who, hiding behind these
fears, claim it is not possible to change.
While the truth is, change is possible.
Look around you. How many things have changed around you in last 5
years? Cars? Computers? Your home? Furniture? Neighbors? Friends? You
are also changing: physically (it’s called aging!) and mentally—by
learning to adapt and adjust to new technology, skills, situations and
experience in your day to day life.
Change is natural. In fact, change is the only thing which is
Instead of letting life change you according to its whims, you can
take control and change according to your plan and desire. Change and
improve into dynamic, successful person. But first you have to get
over the fear of change. It’s easy.
Just use this simple twin strategy:
1. Make small changes at a time
Don’t think of changing overnight into something
completely different. Try to
make small changes at a time. Take baby steps. It will gradually add
up to big change. Taking small steps help you stay in control. It is
easy, as it does not require lot of work. And you won’t fail or feel
For example: if you have trouble sticking to your study timetable,
then decide that you will follow your timetable only for one or two
hours a day. Then gradually increase the number of hours you follow
the time table to 3,4….and finally the whole day.
Or if you are overwhelmed by the idea of getting top grades in all the
exams in your student’s life, then forget about them. Just concentrate
on getting top grade in next exam. Once you finish with that, move
your attention to the next one.
2. Keep your interest fired up
To continue changing and improving, you have to keep the interest and
enthusiasm alive. Or you will soon give up. Here’s how to keep your
interest fired up:
Keep in your mind the benefits,
which you will get by changing and improving yourself.
Think of the praises or rewards
which you will get from your parents, teachers, and even relatives.
Imagine the attention and
admiration which you will attract among your friends, classmates,
and later, colleagues in your office.
Note down every success you
achieve in changing yourself in a diary. Read this list frequently.
For more help, you can refer
Part-1 of Success MindwareTM course,
where we have described
a powerful tool to use your achievements to make big success easy.
But right now, you can use above simple ways to defeat your fears.
With the
above twin strategies you can easily reach for your higher dreams.
Want success, health, wealth, respect and happiness in life?
powerful tools and techniques to achieve what you want in
Success MindwareTM |
Preeti Narayan is an author, mind trainer and
self-improvement expert who helps people discover their inner power
and live more fulfilling life.
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