
42 PROBLEMS or Obstacles Which Make Students End up as Low Performers or Failures

By B. K. Narayan
Author of Success MindwareTM

If you see students who are unsuccessful in studies you will usually find that they suffer from one or more of the 42 problems or obstacles listed here.

Fortunately all of these problems can be solved. And students can be liberated to excel in life.  

But prevention of problems is easier than solving them. So watch your children closely to identify the problem in the bud and crush it before it troubles your children.

You will find easy information and techniques to solve all these problems in our practical, scientific training course called Success MindwareTM.

Here are 42 Problems or obstacles which make students
end up as failures or low performers

  1. Thinking that “top performance in studies is beyond my capacity”

  2. Having Little or no interest in studies

  3. Not knowing the benefits of balanced education

  4. Not knowing the benefits of Scoring High

  5. Not choosing one’s career goal early

  6. Not having a strong desire to reach one’s goal

  7. Having low self-esteem and low motivation due to heavy criticism, less appreciation from parents and others

  8. Having a forced career goal, usually by dominating parents

  9. Hating some teachers and subjects

  10. Difficulty in concentrating on studies

  11. Learning little or nothing in classroom

  12. Trouble on the way to home/school

  13. Unsolved health problems

  14. Malnutrition—not taking a balanced diet

  15. Problem with eyesight or hearing

  16. Basics of some subjects, like grammar and mathematics, are not learnt well

  17. Poor word power, resulting in slow reading and poor understanding

  18. Bad handwriting that irritates examiners and make them award low grades/score

  19. Use of ineffective study methods that make studying hard and boring

  20. Using ineffective revision methods

  21. Fear of examinations

  22. Not knowing how to perform well in exams

  23. Not studying prescribed study material thoroughly

  24. Slow reading habit and low comprehension

  25. Poor memory, forgetting in examination

  26. Not understanding questions given in exam properly, resulting in low score

  27. Wasting time on unimportant activities—
    TV, games, phone,...

  28. Not having a study time-table or not studying according to one

  29. Procrastination—the dangerous habit of saying, “I will study later!”

  30. Disturbance at home

  31. Trouble from classmates

  32. Lack of money and other facilities

  33. Some subjects not taught well by teachers

  34. Lack of parental support

  35. Unsolved problems of studies, health or those that affect learning

  36. Lack of rest and sleep

  37. Improper time management resulting in shortage of time to prepare well

  38. Pessimistic about the value of education and one’s future

  39. Being in the company of low performers

  40. Drugs and other destructive habits

  41. Falling in love!

  42. Not using solutions available. For e.g.—not using advice or solutions for problems suggested by teachers, parents.   

 If your children suffer from any of these problems, you don't have to worry. Because now using Success MindwareTM  you can solve all your children's problems and put them on a fast track to success in studies, career, and life.








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